5 Books to Give You an Edge as a Freelancer

Pretty woman works from home or startup coworking space, sits barefoot on bench and writes code or blog on laptop, her best friend dog puppy lays next to her on pillow

If there’s one thing I know about being a freelancer, it’s that the C players are not going to make it. You can be a C player in a corporate office and get by, but as someone who needs to constantly get hired, not just worry about not getting fired, C-level game just doesn’t cut it.

I am naturally a D player, so I really had to push myself to get invited to publications like The New York Times, Elle, and Vice. One of the best ways to not only work harder but work smarter is to always be reading.

Here are 5 books that helped me create my freelance life:

Mindset by Carol S. Dweck. You might think you have the right mindset to grow as an artist, but this book might just call you out, as it did to me.


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Ugh, why does this have to have the nerdiest title in the world? It was the first book I read that made me realize there were instructions to life. I reread it every few years.


Influence by Robert B. Cialdini. After I read this, I noticed that when I asked for things, like jobs, raises, or opportunities, people said yes much more often.


The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau. A book about how to start your own side gig to gain the kind of freedom you might want as a writer.


Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. A book on communication that will help with both writing and the business life.

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