Writing on Vacation

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On a camping trip last week, I soaked in a self-assigned freedom from the pressure of writing deadlines. 

I left behind my laptop, but brought my notebook. Packed the hammock, an adventure magazine, and a travel book by Pico Iyer.

Though I have four articles, a book proposal, and the first draft of my novel all due soon, I sat by a river and wrote…

a ridiculous satire piece…


to put it politely,

fecal themes.

I cracked myself up.

No fancy editor was waiting on it, but it was what I wanted to work on at that moment. Or should I say play with. It reminded me of being a kid again, when writing and loving to write was simple and free from expectations. 

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When I take any type of vacation, I try to leave all the “shoulds” of my writing life behind.  The million-dollar question then becomes:

“Should I write at all on vacation?” 

The answer that works best for me? “No, you don’t have to.” 

And yet, you can also fall back in love with your writing while on vacation – thanks to the very fact that you don’t have to do it. 

I like to read a little, then get inspired and write a little, then repeat until I’m needed to help with sandwiches or go out on the paddleboard.

Sometimes on vacation we don’t want to leave the group, but I’ve found that taking some “me time” gives you the mental space to rediscover this magic, the pure joy that brought you to first start writing, and to come back to your friends and family refreshed.

It’s an invitation to just do the parts you love. Just for shits and giggles.

If you’re ready to hit refresh on your writing and find the love again, my free year of daily writing prompts may help! Click below to get one in your inbox, every day.

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