After Seeing Stephen Colbert Live…
I knew that attending a taping of Late Night with Stephen Colbert on Nov. 6 would be historic no matter how the election went. It wasn't the kind of historic…
I knew that attending a taping of Late Night with Stephen Colbert on Nov. 6 would be historic no matter how the election went. It wasn't the kind of historic…
Recently, while at the Atlanta airport coming home after two weeks away, I was invited to a New York City rave. That night. I considered not going—wasn’t I too old for…
Remember when your parents told you to keep money talk private and never let anyone know if you're struggling? How will we all feel less alone in our struggles if…
Recently, I was at FinCon, the personal finance conference where you might hear someone ask, “What’s your salary?” as often as you might hear, “How are you?” People talk about…
Things are a little tense right now.I went to Must Love Memoir last night, a reading series in NYC, and in the opening, Krystal Marie Orwig said, “Now more than ever, real…
Some projects seem to nevvvvveerrrrr end. I’ve spent the last year thinking about what actually gets it DONE. That’s how I came up with The 6 Mix to FINISH, a…
As writers, we all know the struggle of unfinished projects and elusive inspiration.
Did you mess up? Good!
I have an awkward ask...
Now is the perfect moment to unwrap the gift of boundless ambition.
After two years of working together in Zoom-land, I get to work in person, in Spanish plazas, with my developer, Rafa. Discover the game-changing tool that travels with me.
What does AI mean for the future of creative writing? I decided to ask it.
Ten years of writing, re-starting and editing, and then it happened last week: I finally finished my novel’s Sh*tty First Draft™️.
I have a list of general questions I start with in most interviews, but often just let my curiosity lead me. This NYT opinion piece added so many more to my list.
You can do what AI can't — build relationships!
What we can learn from words that make us uncomfortable.
I call it crosshatch networking.
When I take any type of vacation, I try to leave all the “shoulds” of my writing life behind. Then the biggest question is, “Should I write at all on vacation?”
Your writer senses tell you “Hey, this could be a story.” But wait! There are steps to getting your idea actually accepted.
If we want those fancy bylines, we have to get past the pitch.
How often do you write something just for the joy of writing?
Take your writing life from striving to thriving with the ultimate life hack: remembering we're all going to die anyway.
I did the math. Here's a total breakdown of my business trip expenses.
We don't want to look back in the fall and think, "Bleh, I have to start all over again!" Inertia is a b-word.
Writing can be a solitary activity, so having a community of fellow writers to celebrate with and commiserate with has been incredibly rewarding.